Saturday, September 13, 2008


Washing the laundry so we have something to wear tomorrow: good.
Washing the husband's phone in his pants pocket: bad.

So, whose fault is it??


Jade said...

TOTALLY his fault. The rule in our house: if it's in YOUR pocket, it's YOUR fault. (That's why last time I did it, I moved the destroyed electronic device into his pocket. Damning evidence, even if it was falsified.)

Bugs said...

I refuse to get involved in this kind of dispute. But we have had similar situations and they are never pretty. SORRY!!

mindy said...

it happens to the best of us.

Well, it has never happened to me, but . . .

Jess said...

I say its his fault--that's the rule at our house too. You are an adult and you are responsible for what is in your own pocket! (Of course, Gavin would probably disagree with me!) We have friends that solved this problem by splitting the laundry. She does hers, and he does his own. Then there is no question!

Caitlin Selle said...

Bob and I just sew our pockets up so none of this ever happens. ;)

Shelly said...

It is HIS fault!! I washed a sharpie last Monday (I caught ot before the dryer and before the lid came off, thankfully) and Paul's custom-moulded fancy-pants earplugs (I am sure they are officially called "fancy-pants" especially since they came through the wash in his pants) the week before. Laundry is done this week with no hazardous least not that I know of--it still needs to be folded. I get more stuff from Paul's pockets than the four kids and myself combined!!

Anonymous said...

Clearly it was the fault of the washing machine. Or do what I've been doing recently, and blame the economy. For everything.