Sunday, September 30, 2007

Fall is Here!

The other day Jon surprised me with a WAY fun trip to the canyons. We both love going up there, but we haven't taken advantage of that blessing in our lives as much as we would have liked - busy with school, work, selling our house, packing, finding things out in Denver.

OH - I GUESS I SHOULD OFFICIALLY SAY - we're moving to Denver sometime in the next couple of months. :) Sorry, that should have been its own post.

But that's not the point. I'm trying to ignore that fact and appreciate Utah while I can. So we got home from work, changed into hiking clothes, grabbed some things and were off in a matter of minutes. I loved it! The air was crisp, the colors were beautiful, and it wasn't snowing yet, so everything was bright and beautiful. We cooked tin-foil dinners, hiked around, and enjoyed nature. This is the life!


Molly said...

You're moving to Denver? How exciting! I want to hear the details. And your canyon photos make me want to go hiking and camping. I LOVE autumn weather!

Lisa B. said...

So.. I LOVE your short sassy hair.! and what a cute date with Jon. i love it. hey, so thur.. my house.. Office Party. we'll supply the treats;)